Chuck had taken him along for the morning and as they were driving around the city, he noticed the signs all around town. This must have triggered a memory for him. He then started sharing stories of bringing old signs to someone for money (sounds like he got 10 burr) and then he would take the money and buy food to share with his family. He actually used the phrase "my family". I am so glad he is able to start to share about his life before the orphanage. All we have heard about Ethiopia was his time at Hannah's Hope (the transition home he lived in). I had started to wonder if he would end up blocking some memories, but he felt comfortable enough to share.
We have worked hard at allowing our family to be a safe place for the boys. Believing that when the level of trust was established, Tyson Fikadu would open up and share some memories. Not only to give us a glimpse into his world, but also so we can record these for him so he can keep a connection to his life in Ethiopia.
We have learned a lot in the last few weeks of the extreme measures their family went to to provide food for the children. We have no idea what it must be like to feel the pains of hunger. Or as a mama, to not have enough food for her little ones. Needless to say, my heart is heavy tonight with processing these thoughts. I am feeling so unworthy of being the mama. What a precious privilege that God has entrusted these precious boys to our care.
Dear Sweet Peas,
I am so thankful that God matched us together. He knew that we would be the best fit. I love how He works to bring different pieces of fabric together to make such a beautiful quilt. It is an honor to be your mom. I pray I raise you boys well. I pray that you come to know God early and always walk with Him.
Love, Mom