A lot has happened here in our home in the last few months and as I said before, we are just getting around to catching our breath. So...with out further hesitation...EASTER 2011.
So...with that had been going on around here...I just hadn't gotten around to making sure we had Easter baskets and outfit to wear to church. So the night before Easter at about 9:30pm, I found myself at the local Target with all of the other desperate moms trying to pull it all together. I ended up finding something new for everyone to wear on Sunday morning (Tristen had reminded me that the girls wore the same outfits 2 years in a row).
New clothes around here are a big treat. We get a lot of hand me downs and something new with the tag from the store (not goodwill) is special. We are thankful for all those families that pass on their clothes to us.
Easter is the first holiday that the boys remember celebrating here in America. I remember trying to explain that we put plastic eggs in the yard and they have to hunt for them. Actually, once you explain most of the holidays, they sound really odd. I have a feeling Easter will always be a very special holiday for our family.
Easter was the ending of LENT. We spent the season of Lent sacrificing something very small as a reminder of all the Christ gave for us. We gave up meat as a family (harder than I thought it would be) and I also gave up facebook (actually pretty easy to give up).
I am trying to get back into the swing of blogging. I have been a very bad blogger lately and with all the kook that has happened to our family blog (peterspeapod), I have been discouraged and not very motivated. But as my kids are growing and this is one of the only ways I have of documenting mile stones and activities and such...I feel like I need to try it again.
So...I will most likely transition my family blog over here since this blog has less problems. I will also be blogging about more than just adoption on this blog since our life is not so ALL adoption consuming. So if I blog about homeschooling or organizing or gardening on this "adoption blog", don't be shocked. =)
We have had a BUSY BUSY BUSY few months around here and even with summer it just hasn't slowed down. We only have about 2 months of summer vacation here so I need to pack as much as I can into our down time.
To keep you up to date...we got a dog a few months ago and our Cooper has been a lot of fun for our family. He is a sweet thing and has recently gotten quite sick. He can hardly eat or drink and seems to be on his last little legs. Poor thing. After a hefty vet bill we brought him home on Saturday and were hopeful that he could bounce back...but...as each day passes he seems to be worse. We are dreading the decisions that will come in the near future. Praying for our furry friend.
I have share many times how important it is to find a group of people to do life with, to support each other, to strengthen one another. A cord of three strands in not easily broken.
We have reached out to other adoptive families to offer and receive support and encouragement. These are families that understand the highs and lows. The struggles and the joys. I try gather this group together every month or so to fellowship and foster connections.
Our group is full of families that have children from all over the world. Ethiopia, Nepal, Korea, Haiti, Domestic, Russia...all precious in His sight. We had a great time at a friend's family farm for a hay ride and egg hunt for Easter. The kids LOVED coloring the eggs. A highlight for them.
Precious families...all who have grown their family through adoption.
God's mercy and grace has been showered upon us and we are blessed with amazing children. When I step back and view from a distance, it is evident of what sweet kiddos God has asked us to parent. Our lives are filled with lots of activities and school work and studying God's word together...and we just don't have lots of time to update the blog. But I did want to touch in and say we are still here and doing really well.
The girls are finishing up a great week at summer camp. Tally has done a mission week serving at a local ministry. Tristen and Tyson had a great week at VBS. Tate...well...he is by my side most of the day, but he has gone to his SS class by himself a few times. Tyson lost a tooth just yesterday and he is working on learning to read. We are working on finishing the basement and I am trying to clean and organize this week while I just have 2 kids at home with me. Our beautiful old Elm tree recently fell in a storm and we spent a few weeks cleaning it up. I stained the deck and have painted a few more rooms in the house. Chuck has been busy with a video shoot and seeking God's will for our family. All that to say...I am One Blessed Mama.