We were blessed by our local friends who threw an impromptu adoption shower for us. With just a few days noticed these girls were able to throw a shower that seemed like it took weeks to plan. There was TONS of yummy food (all of which I had none of...I was too busy talking). And a house full of friends that God has blessed us with in just a short time. We have only been here a year and we are already
surrounded by friends that are just precious. These families are so happy for us and are so supportive. We are so blessed.
From homeschooling friends, to friends from Chuck's work, to neighbors and fellow adoptive families ~ all there to shower us with gifts, support, love and friendship.

Our girls were blessed with a BIG SISTER shower. All the girls gathered upstairs and had their own snacks and fun. Their friends showered them with fun things to do while Mom and Dad are in Africa. Mad libs, ice cream coupons, disposable camera, balloon animal kit are just to name a few. The big sisters then played with toys and had a good time while the mommies talked down stairs.

Here we are opening gifts. These families went over and above. We were given lots of cute outfits just right for our sweet peas. Our boys will look just adorable in all there new clothes.

Sometimes I wonder if we ladies just need an excuse to get out and congregate together. It was nonstop jabbering.

I love how God has brought so many sweet friends into our lives. From our realtor who has become a friend to other moms of little guys who are just about the same age as our boys.

We have been blessed to be part of other families as they expand their family with little ones from Africa. I look forward to seeing our children grow up together.

Chuck and I made some fantastic friends with our adoption training classes at our local
homestudy agency. I am so grateful that we can journey together and be a support for each other.

homeschool group that we have found here has become a tremendous group of friends and support. These are beautiful and creative moms and I am so grateful to have them as friends. They desire for their children to walk with God in such authentic ways.

We moved here for Chuck's job and we are so
grateful for the team of co-workers and
families that are part of the organization. Such dear people.

Here are 2 adoption mommies who are with the same agency. I am so grateful that we are part of a group that has such love and connection with each other. God even placed one just down the street from us.

Here on the left is my sweet friend who opened her home and hosted this party with help from a great group of gals.
I know I didn't get pictures of everyone, but I want to express our gratitude for the blessing of the shower. Thank you all so much for sharing in our joy. I know that not every family who adopts is able to experience this kind of support and we are so thankful. Thank you for rejoicing with us God's blessing of children, no matter how they enter our family.
Dear Sweet Peas,We had such a good time celebrating your arrival. There is a group of people here in our lives that are so excited that you are part of our family. We are so thankful for the support and love of those who are near to us.We have lots of new clothes for you. We are getting ready for you to come home. Just a little longer.Love, Mom